Endlich: Aus Daten wird Information! Edwin is the new way of viewing financial figures. Graphical, automatic, interactive and intuitive! Up-to-date figures from accounting at all times enable shorter response times, increase the overview and thus the quality of decision-making. Different views, drill-down and drill-through help to identify causes and trends.Read More →

What is the real value of reports? And how much do they cost? My answer to this is simple: Reports have no value at all! Only the interpretation of a report by a knowledgeable person generates added value. How much time do your employees spend creating reports? Shouldn’t they focusRead More →

You want to stay informed, no matter where you are? You want to see the same dashboard on your desktop computer, your tablet or your mobile phone? The technology is ready to serve this. And it’s less effort than you think! You have the data, I do the dashboard. Let’sRead More →


This is an account of how not to spend a Sunday! This morning my automatic update (cron-apt) installed a new kernel to all my hosts and virtual machines. Of course a new kernel requires a reboot, so I sat down to get it over with. Usually this is not soRead More →

totota old and new

What was the secret behind Toyota’s rise from a family run loom manufacturer to one of the world’s biggest and best auto brands? Some even claim it has been the best brand of all. Whatever the ranking may be, Toyota managed to rise from a negligible market participant to aRead More →


Finally, I have retired the old, Ghost based website, which was available until this morning. The decision to move away was primarily triggered by the fact that I could not find an easy way to build a bi-lingual website. All content has been moved and new posts will be publishedRead More →