
Crises separate the wheat from the chaff, so they say. Not knowing one’s own situation carries risk. The narrower the operational environment, the higher the risk. When cost pressure rises, it is an instinctive reaction to analyse cost and start savings programmes. Adding urgency and unreliable information significantly raises theRead More →


A picture speaks a thousand words. In times of Corona and the incessant media coverage of the subject, I thought it might be interesting to analyse the data myself. I used the data provided by John Hopkins university to create the chart above and a few others. Globally speaking, theRead More →


Software development as it should be: WinSCP! I have been using WinSCP for transferring files for years because it supports a host of protocols. With Secure Copy (scp) it supports my demand for security. Recently, its author shipped version 5.17 with a bug which probably affected only a few users.Read More →


Special challenges need special solutions. Most companies walk a thin line between off-the-shelf software and individual solutions. How this decision is taken depends on many factors, such as the desire or need to optimise, cost and maintenance efforts, to name but a few. A primary principle for such decisions shouldRead More →


Occasionally, aggregating data into information is a labour intensive, tedious job which takes lots of comparisons, consistency checks, summations etc.. Even the creation of the initial data can be complicated. The good news is, however, that practically all of these process steps can be completely automated: Starting with the extractionRead More →


A picture paints a thousand words! For many people this proverb holds true. Be it bars, lines, 3D graphs, bubble charts or any other type of visualisation, they convey a message from the displayed data at a single glance. What individual form of display is used depends on the informationRead More →


There is usually more information in a given dataset than one would expect. The Austrian Post scandal has demonstrated this impressively and gives a faint idea of what Google is capable of doing, especially given the information grows faster than linear with the amount of data. So having more dataRead More →


Encrypted and certified Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the encryption protocol used by practically all websites. However, TLS can be used also for encrypting other communication channels like VPNs, email etc. TLS is based on a Private Key Infrastructure (PKI), which issues certificates for the owners of public keys. ThisRead More →