
Crises separate the wheat from the chaff, so they say. Not knowing one’s own situation carries risk. The narrower the operational environment, the higher the risk. When cost pressure rises, it is an instinctive reaction to analyse cost and start savings programmes. Adding urgency and unreliable information significantly raises theRead More →


A picture paints a thousand words! For many people this proverb holds true. Be it bars, lines, 3D graphs, bubble charts or any other type of visualisation, they convey a message from the displayed data at a single glance. What individual form of display is used depends on the informationRead More →


Decisions are taken based on data in reports. Do you have all required reports to make those decisions great? Is the data contained in them correct? Up to date and accurate reports are crucial for everybody in management. How much effort does it take to create them? Is it worthRead More →