Endlich: Aus Daten wird Information! Edwin is the new way of viewing financial figures. Graphical, automatic, interactive and intuitive! Up-to-date figures from accounting at all times enable shorter response times, increase the overview and thus the quality of decision-making. Different views, drill-down and drill-through help to identify causes and trends.Read More →


A picture speaks a thousand words. In times of Corona and the incessant media coverage of the subject, I thought it might be interesting to analyse the data myself. I used the data provided by John Hopkins university to create the chart above and a few others. Globally speaking, theRead More →


Occasionally, aggregating data into information is a labour intensive, tedious job which takes lots of comparisons, consistency checks, summations etc.. Even the creation of the initial data can be complicated. The good news is, however, that practically all of these process steps can be completely automated: Starting with the extractionRead More →


There is usually more information in a given dataset than one would expect. The Austrian Post scandal has demonstrated this impressively and gives a faint idea of what Google is capable of doing, especially given the information grows faster than linear with the amount of data. So having more dataRead More →


Decisions are taken based on data in reports. Do you have all required reports to make those decisions great? Is the data contained in them correct? Up to date and accurate reports are crucial for everybody in management. How much effort does it take to create them? Is it worthRead More →