
Although theoretically independent of the subject matter, managing an IT project requires a specific managerial skillset. This is especially true as it takes particular methods to assess and track progress. The project manager needs special knowledge to be successful, particularly in an agile environment. One specific but recurring challenge inRead More →


Decisions are taken based on data in reports. Do you have all required reports to make those decisions great? Is the data contained in them correct? Up to date and accurate reports are crucial for everybody in management. How much effort does it take to create them? Is it worthRead More →


Classic data warehouses are relational databases whose structure is optimised for fast querying of the contained data. The power of data warehousing lies in the effective linking of data. This creates new insights into the underlying business. Typical applications are the combination of financial data with that of production by,Read More →

WordPress Logo

I have decided to move my web page to one of the most popular Content Management System (CMS): WordPress. Installation proved to be fairly simple. It proved to be a lot harder to decide on a template for my page. After comparing a few I ended up with “Hoot Business“,Read More →